This Webinar Course on Professional Ethics has been developed to meet w/compliance under the Continuing Education Requirements established by The State of Louisiana - Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board. Emphasis is placed on the significance, importance, and overview of exemplifying business ethics, while integrating the Universal Professional Code of Ethics, Engineers Creed, Preamble and Pledge to the respected Fundamental Cannons governing the requirements which apply to Professional Licensure.
Learning Objectives:
This Educational Course will provide the imperative ethical principles for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors with emphasis on understanding the importance of ethics in the professional environment.
The Course Learning Objectives which are measurable and the learner will obtain knowledge and expect to gain valuable insight upon successful completion as follows:
• Explain the concepts of ethics and social responsibility.
• Describe the factors that influence business ethics.
• List the stages in the development of ethical standards.
• Identify common ethical dilemmas in the workplace.
• Discuss how organizations shape ethical behavior.
• Describe how businesses’ social responsibility is measured.
• Summarize the responsibilities of business to the general public, clients, and employees.
• Explain why we are concerned with business ethics and social responsibility.
• Apply the Fundamental Cannons, Rules of Practice, and Professional Obligations.