State license Info

North Dakota

Hours Required: 30

Carryover Units Allowed: 15

Max Online Hours Allowed: 30


30 PDH biennially due December 31st even years (beginning with renewal period ending December 31, 2006)


Of the 30 PDH:

- a minimum of 20 PDH must be in technical subjects that directly safeguard the public's health, safety & welfare. (all 30 may be in technical subjects).

- a maximum of 10 PDH's may be in professional management subjects.


The North Dakoda PE board requires mandatory continuing education, but does not pre-approve any continuing education provider or activity.  Each engineer must determine whether an activity meets the Board's requirements.



 All activities for which PDH credit are claimed must be relevant to the practice of engineering and may include technical, ethical, or managerial content. These activities should advance the professional or technical competence of the registrant.

Updated At: 11-11-2008 11:44:56 AM